Tuesday, May 25, 2010

South Pole to play at the Long Island International Film Expo


Their Site

South Pole will be playing at the Long Island International Film Expo (LIIFE for short) Friday July 16! it should be awesomely outrageous.

South Pole,Alex Cormack,Kyle Kringle,Tim Finn,Ashley Cook

Morph Mush Mash playing at Squeaky Wheel's 7th Annual Outdoor Animation festival "Great Disaster"

Squeaky Wheel

The Great Disaster Outdoor Animation Festival

Morph Mush Mash (or MorphMushMash) will be playing at the "Great Disaster" Squeaky Wheel's 7th Annual Outdoor Animation festival in Sat., Jul. 24th @ 8:00 pm Location: Days Park in Allentown NY! So be there!

Here is a link to their website

Morph Mush Mash,Alex Cormack

they're excited!

About Me

My photo
I'm an illustrator/animator/cartoonist/musician/photographer from Boston. To figure out more look at my official website... http://alexcormack.com/ it's wicked awesome